Mrs. and Mr. Goodnickels are us. We're wife-and-husband photographers with the privilege of documenting some profoundly awesome moments for some profoundly awesome people. This is what we've been up to lately!



If you've been here before, you'll notice we've dressed up the blog a bit. We tried to make it cleaner and add more space for images. There's lots more content on the way, too, like galleries and info that we haven't gotten around to putting together 'cause we've been too busy shooting!

It'll take us a while to revisit the posts and get all the images lined up and looking their best with the new layout. Other than that, let us know if the new layout is giving you or your browser any grief. Have a great holiday, and we'll see you all in the new year!

Love, Mr. and Mrs. Goodnickels



It's a made-up name. I don't remember when it came up. For some reason, whatever conversation we were having required I invent a quasi-serious old-money surname. Goodnickels. It's kind of perfect.

It stuck. We actually considered changing our legal last names to it when we got married, but the state of California makes that a bit of a pain in the ass. Oh well.

Independently, both of us spent a large portion of our youth interested in photography. We both became distracted during college, and when we met, it was a footnote in our things-I-have-interest-in chapters. I annoyed Mel into picking it back up a number of times, but it wasn't until we planned our wedding that our interest in taking pictures was really renewed.

We hired an amazing photographer for our wedding: Bil Zelman. He became a friend and inspiration, and his photos reminded us quickly of how exciting making images can be.

It's been an obsession for the last year or so, and this website is the most recent realization of that. In this little scribble-box, we plan to document our picture making. I imagine we'll post excitedly about new captures and lament about lessons learned the hard way in approximately equal amounts.

I hope you find something enjoyable here.


Mr. and Mrs. Goodnickels

File under: Horn Tooting