Mrs. and Mr. Goodnickels are us. We're wife-and-husband photographers with the privilege of documenting some profoundly awesome moments for some profoundly awesome people. This is what we've been up to lately!


As the holidays roll in, we're shooting fewer weddings.. and more families, babies, and general holiday card mantle-place decor. In addition to the usual holiday-card portraiture, we try to approach our family and baby stuff with the same sensibility we bring to weddings or anything else we shoot...

Here are a couple of our favorites from recent shoots with Lila and Fisher (unrelated, but a really cute potential high-school prom queen & king).

File under: Babies , Family

Last weekend we chased a handful of adorable around a mansion in Rancho Santa Fe, taking photos for a children's clothing line that Mel's sister has just started. A sampling of the cuteness below..

Christina's website will be up soon at Until then, you can email her if you're interested in what she's up to!

File under: Babies , Family

As I mentioned last time, these TGIF posts are completely self indulgent. We'll just post whatever we feel like posting, and I felt like posting this. It's one of my very, very, very favorite images that's come home with us this year. Mrs. Goodnickels gets all the credit for this shot, proven by the fact that I'm in the left hand side of the frame, sportin' the hat and beard!

Just got some medium format film from our holga and twin-reflex back.. hopefully I'll have some fun stuff scanned for the next TGIF post. Have a great weekend!