Mr. and Mrs. Goodnickels are not landscape photographers. Landscapes don't give toasts, drink (spill) beers, touch their own faces a little too much, kiss foreheads, or run their fingers through their hair while reflectively gazing in search of the right word to use to describe the way that song makes them feel.
We just don't know what to do with a landscape. We require eyebrows (of the furrowed, or furrow-able, variety).
That said, if it's been raining and the light is ridiculous - we're only human. We'll pull the car dangerously (barely) off the side of the road and make some frames of whatever the perfect post-storm light feels like bouncing off of... Thankfully, we've walked through enough pricey shopping malls to know that, in this particular situation, you're to find a worn-wooden dock, play rigid geometry off of chaotic fluffiness, and ask for ten thousand dollars.

That will be ten thousand dollars.
(We take paypal!)
There was only one dock, though, so we had to get down the only way we know how.

We'd like it to rain (and then stop) a whole lot more.